Employment scale

We employ almost 15,700 people in the Enea Group which makes us one of the largest employers in the region of our operations. We are responsible for our employees, so we’re especially concerned about their health and creating safe working places. We care that people working for us develop for their own benefit and for the whole Group. Enea fulfills the legal obligations of the employer but also offers a number of privileges and benefits. In this way we wish to take care of the well-being of our employees and appreciate the role they play in the creation of our Group.

G4-DMA. How the organization manages the "Employment" Aspect.

Rules at the workplace 

Rules of working in individual companies are governed by the Labour Code and internal documents, which include:

  • Code of Values of the Enea Capital Group
  • Code of Ethics of ENEA Capital Group
  • Multi-company Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Labour Code
  • Organizational Regulations of the company
  • Terms of remuneration of employees of the Company

Co-operation with trade unions


In each of our companies trade union organizations operate, therefore there are collective agreements binding in the Group.

Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in 2016 and trade unions in which the Group's employees were associated in 2016.

Enea Group Company Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in 2016Trade unions that associate the company's employees
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 100%
  • Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
  • NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise OrganizationInter-enterprise 
  • Trade Union of Power Engineers and Technicians 
  • "Synergia" Inter-enterprise Trade Union
Enea  Trading sp. z o.o.  52.38%
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o. o 
  • ZOZ Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Trading Sp. z o.o
  • "Synergia” Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees 
  • NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 99.7%
  • Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarity" Organization in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 
  • Trade Union of Shift Employees in ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 0%
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o. o and MEC Piła sp. z o.o.
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 99.61%
  • NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Heat Engineers
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki no data
  • no data
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o. in Białystok 95.28%
  • MOZ „Solidarity” 
  • MOZ „Heat Engineer”
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 100%
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 
  • Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees 
  • NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
  • Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group 
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers and Technicians at Enea S.A. 
  • "Synergia” Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees
Enea SA 100%
  • NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization
  • Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
  • Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians – Inter-enterprise Trade Organization in Enea SA 
  • "Synergia” Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 100%
  • NSZZ Solidarity
  • Inter-enterprise Organization
Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 100%
  • Enea NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Continuous Maintenance Employees of Enea SA Energy Group 
  • Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians – Inter-enterprise Trade Organization in Enea SA 
  • Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea SA Energy Group Employees 
  • Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 100%
  • Inter-enterprise Employee Organization of Enea Capital Group 
  • "Synergia" Inter-enterprise Trade Union 
  • NSZZ Solidarity Enea Inter-enterprise Organization 
  • Kadra' Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Enea Capital Group Employees 
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Continuous Maintenance Employees
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 100%
  • ZSZZ "Solidarity" 
  • National Trade Union of Heat Engineers - Inter-enterpriseTrade Union Organization in Białystok 
  • Inter-enterprise Trade Union of Power Engineers in Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o. o

G4-10, G4-LA1

Number of employees employed on a contract of employment by gender in 2016 (as at 31 December 2016).

CompanyTotal number of employeesNo. of womenNo. of men
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 124 29 95
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 84 34 50
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 2269 291 1978
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 130 21 109
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 252 42 210
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 32 3 29
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o.in Białystok 127 5 122
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 1320 971 349
Enea SA 313 169 144
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 169 44 125
Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 4264 534 3730
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 567 78 489
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 168 34 134

Number of employees employed on a contract of employment broken down into posts and gender (as at 31 December 2016).

CompanyTop managementDirectorsMiddle level mangersOperational employees Office personnel 
 No. of womenNo. of menNo. of womenNo. of menNo. of womenNo. of menNo. of womenNo. of menNo. of womenNo. of men
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 0 0 0 2 3 17 40 26 36
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 0 0 0 5 6 8 0 0 28 37
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 0 1 0 11 19 108 103 1494 169 364
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 0 0 0 2 1 5 8 80 12 22
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 0 0 0 3 10 11 0 154 32 42
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 25 2 4
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o.o. in Białystok 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 120 1 2
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 0 0 11 8 48 38 0 0 912 303
Enea SA 0 0 6 11 19 32 0 0 144 101
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 0 0 0 3 4 11 29 108 11 3
Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 0 0 6 41 44 302 20 2064 464 1323
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 1 0 1 14 6 72 22 316 49 86
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 0 0 2 7 8 22 15 94 9 11

"0" - is the reported data, meaning that the phenomenon doesn’t occur.


Number of employees employed on a contract of employment broken down by type of employment contract in 2016 (as at 31 December 2016).

CompanyTotal number of employees employed on a contract of employmentNumber of employees in division to type of employment contractNumber of employees in division to working time
  TrialFixed-termIndefiniteFull timePart time
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 124 0 13 111 124 0
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 84  0 8 76 83 1
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 2269 2 301 1966 7 2262
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 130 0 6 124 130 0
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 252 3 0 249 252 0
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 32 0 4 28 32 0
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o. in Białystok 127 0 0 127 127 0
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 1320 0 126 1194 1307 13
Enea SA 313 0 36 277 305 8
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 169 0 0 169 167 2
Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 4264 0 121 4143 4253 11
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 567 18 50 499 549 18
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 168 3 9 156 167 1

"0" - is the reported data, meaning that the phenomenon doesn’t occur.

Number of employees employed on a contract of employment and under civil-law in 2016 (as at 31 December 2016.)

CompanyNumber of employees employed on a contract of employmentNumber of employees employed under civil-law agreement
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 124 9 (including 7 managerial contracts)
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 84 6 (including 2 managerial contracts)
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 2269 26 (including 12 managerial contracts)
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 130 0
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 252 8
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 32 0
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o. in Białystok 127 1
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 1320 33 (including 3 managerial contracts)
Enea SA 313 13 (including 4 managerial contracts)
Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 4264 27 (including 4 managerial contracts)
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 169 1
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 567 29 (including 7 managerial contracts)
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 168 7

Number of employee leaves and churn broken down by gender in 2016

CompanyTotal number of leavesChurn of all employeesNo.of women leavesWomen churnNo.of men leavesMen churn
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 4 3.23% 0 0% 4 3.23%
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 12 14.28% 5 5.95% 7 8.33%
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 139 6.12% 20 0.88% 119 5.24%
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 1 0.77% 0 0% 1 0.77%
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 9 3.57% 4 1.59% 5 1.98%
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 2 6.25% 1 3.13% 1 3.13%
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o. in Białystok 10 7.87% 0 0% 10 7.87%
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 148 11.21% 110 8.33% 38 2.88%
Enea SA 25 7.98% 14 4.47% 11 3.51%
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 5 2.96% 3 1.78% 2 1.18%
Enea Operator sp. z o.o. 109 2.56% 13 0.31% 96 2.25%
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 34 6% 19 3.35% 15 2.65%
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 11 6.55% 4 2.38% 7 4.17%

"0" - is the reported data, meaning that the phenomenon doesn’t occur.

Number of employee leaves and churn broken down by age in 2016

CompanyEmployees leaves till 29 years oldChurn of employees below 30 years oldEmployees leaves from 30 till 50 years oldChurn of employees from 30 till 50 years oldEmployees leaves above 50 years oldChurn of employees above 50 years old
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 0 0% 1 0.81% 3 2.42%
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 4 4.76% 8 9.52% 0 0%
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 6 0.26% 23 1.01% 110 4.85%
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 1 0.77% 0 0% 0% 0%
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Białystok 11 4.37% 2 0.79% 6 2.38%
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 0 0% 1 3.13% 1 3.13%
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o. in Białystok 0 0% 0 0% 10 7.87%
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 18 1.36% 82 6.21% 48 3.64%
Enea SA 7 2.24% 15 4.79% 3 0.96%
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 0 0% 3 1.78% 2 1.18%
Enea Operator sp. z o. o. 10 0.25% 32 0.75% 67 1.57%
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 4 0.71% 14 2.47% 16 2.82%
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 0 0% 6 3.57% 5 2.98%

"0" - is the reported data, meaning that the phenomenon doesn’t occur.


Number of new employees hired, broken down by age groups and gender in 2016

CompanyNumber of new employees hired in 2016
 TotalWomenMenAge category up to 29 years of ageAge category from 30 to 50 years of ageAge category above 50 years of age
Enea Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. 7 2 5 4 3 0
Enea Trading sp. z o.o. 14 5 9 5 9 0
Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. 162 18 144 58 92 12
Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła sp. z o.o. 2 0 2 2 0 0
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o.in Białystok 3 2 1 1 2 0
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej sp. z o.o. in Oborniki 1 1 0 0 1 0
Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej „Zachód” sp. z o. o. in Białystok 5 0 5 4 0 1
Enea Centrum sp. z o.o. 173 134 39 74 89 10
Enea SA 60 35 25 14 43 3
Enea Pomiary sp. z o.o. 9 5 4 2 2 5
Enea Operator sp. z o. o. 210 53 157 117 85 8
Enea Serwis sp. z o.o. 48 10 38 29 14 5
Enea Logistyka sp. z o.o. 6 0 6 3 3 0

"0" - is the reported data, meaning that the phenomenon doesn’t occur.