Our influence and actions

By generating and distributing energy and heat, we affect environment every day. We are aware of this, hence we implemented a number of solutions that allow us to monitor and limit our environmental impact. Some of them are required by regulators, others are voluntary, bearing in mind the welfare of our environment, which directly affects us. We aim to use the best available solutions and technologies to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Taking care of the environment, we established one of the guiding principles of the "Code of Ethics for the Enea Capital Group", imposing an obligation on all employees to take actions aimed at environment protection.

G4-DMA. How the organization manages the "Compliance" Aspect.

Environment protection management

Policy of Integrated Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management is binding in our organization. It is consistent with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2009, PN-EN ISO 14001:2005, PN-N-18001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007, within generation and trade of electricity, generation and distribution of heat. It helps us, among others, to set goals and strategic directions for development. It allows to implement environmental processes at the highest level and ensure compliance with applicable laws.

Moreover, Enea Wytwarzanie has a number of procedures that regulate environmental monitoring, regulatory compliance, identification and evaluation of environmental aspects and goals management.

These are:

  • Instructions of Monitoring the Environment in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - Location Świerze Górne.
  • Instructions of Data Management in the field of Environmental Protection in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - Location Białystok.
  • Procedure of Monitoring the Environment in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - Location Koronowo
  • The plan of monitoring CO2 emissions approved by the decision of the Marshal of the Podlasie Province and Procedure of Monitoring CO2 emissions in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - location Bialystok.
  • The plan of monitoring CO2 emissions approved by the decision of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Province and Procedure of Monitoring CO2 emissions in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - location Świerze Gorne.
    • Monitoring of CO2 emissions from the combustion of coal and biomass,
    • Monitoring of CO2 emissions from the combustion of coal (mass-balance approach)
    • Monitoring of CO2 emissions from the combustion of fuel oil
    • Monitoring of CO2 emissions from the process of flue gas desulphurisation,
    • Monitoring emissions from propane combustion
    • The procedure for supervision of the implementation of the CO2 monitoring plan
    • Documentation supervision procedure in monitoring CO2 emissions
    • The procedure for risk management in monitoring CO2 emissions,
    • The procedure for estimating the uncertainty of data regarding the monitoring of CO2 emissions.
    • Instructions of the Principles of Waste Management in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - Location Świerze Gorne.
  • Instructions on the handling of waste in the CHP Białystok.
  • Instructions of waste management in Enea Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o. - Location Koronowo.


No significant fines or non-financial sanctions were imposed on us for non-compliance with laws and regulations relating to environmental protection in 2016. Charging MPEC Białystok with an additional fee for exceeding the conditions for the disposal of industrial wastewater to wastewater facilities in the amount of PLN 2 327.11 gross was the only marginal incident.

Key investments

We completed a number of investments in 2016 that allow us to modernize our installations and reduce impact on the environment. The most important were:


  • Successive stages of the construction of a supercritical bituminous coal fired 1,075 MWe power unit
  • 14.1 MW Baczyna wind farm commissioning 
  • Unit No. 1 - obtaining the operating permit and commissioning of the installation of the catalytic denitrification of flue gases (SCR)
  • Continuation of the SCR installation for units No. 4-8 
  • Commencement of the modernisation of cooling water intake - temporary stabilising checkdam on the Vistula River 
  • Commencement of the SCR installation and modernisation of electrostatic precipitators for units No. 9 and 10 as part of the 2 x 500 MW units 


  • Completion of the realisation of a range of investments on medium and high voltage related to the extension, automation and modernisation of the unit and power grids
  • Improvement of the connection processes and reduction of the negative impact on the environment of the used power equipment
  • Development of information tools supporting grid management

The construction of a new 1,075 MWe unit at Kozienice Power Plant was one of our most important investments in 2016. 98% is the investment stage for May 2017. We shall launch the most modern power plant in Poland and Europe in 2017.

A new unit at Kozienice Power Plant:

  • Shall increase by 1/3 capacity in the Kozienice Power Plant
  • Will allow to eliminate deficits of energy on the market
  • Shall guarantee high efficiency of energy generation and low failure rate
  • Will be the largest in Europe power unit fired with bituminous coal

New power unit at Kozienice Power Plant 

Total financial outlays for the reduction of SO2, Nox and dust in 2009-2016 at Kozienice Power Plant [PLN million]