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G4-DMA. How the organization manages the "Energy" Aspect.


Total electricity consumption (MWh) in 2016*

Enea SA 2054.22
Enea Wytwarzanie 1 167 478
MEC Piła 4361.9
PEC Oborniki 671.43
MPEC Białystok* 5158.7
Enea Operator company's own needs: 39 794 MWh company's network losses: 1 322 306 MWh
Enea Centrum** 0.545356
Enea Trading *** no data
Enea Serwis 591.594
Enea Logistyka**** 525.89
Enea Oświetlenie 194.233 MWh (including 21.041 MWh from own photovoltaic installation)
Enea Pomiary 162.3
PEC Zachód 70.9

* Much lower electricity consumption for thermal energy generation compared to 2015 is associated with a decrease in heat generation in 2016 by approximately 83%.
**Only a part of electricity consumption is included in the table. The remaining amount is included in the rent.
***All office spaces used by Enea Trading are rented by the company (from Enea SA, Enea Wytwarzanie Sp. z o. o. and Enea Serwis Sp. z o. o). Therefore, all operating costs are included as fixed fees in the amount of a monthly rent. As a result, it is difficult to define exactly how much water or electricity is used by the company.
****In some locations there is no metering and the cost of electricity is included in the rent.

How have we improved our energy efficiency in 2016?

  1. We carried out modernization of our heating infrastructure in Białystok in 2016, which in turn resulted in lower energy consumption. We replaced parts of pipe distribution network in pre-insulated pipe technology, which contributes to increased power supply reliability and is associated with reduced heat transfer losses. We have also modernized pumping systems at the district heating substations, leading to a decrease in electricity consumption.
  2. Due to the installation of the flue gas denitrification system at the 200 MW blocks 4 and 5 in Świerże Górne we have implemented a project consisting on the replacement of the drive exhaust fans on boilers 4 and 5 and we used a more economical way of adjusting their efficiency. Installation of new exhaust fans along with the replacement of the drive and the rotational speed regulation of the engine driving the fan by the inverter will save the amount of energy consumed by the engine. This contributes to reducing the internal load of blocks 4 and 5 alone.
  3. Enea Oświetlenie modernized road lighting in the towns and districts: Obrzycko, Mieścisko, Wolsztyn, Choszczno, Przelewice, Dobiegniew, Barlinek, Międzyrzecz (replacement of old, worn out lighting fixtures to new energy saving fixtures).

The company’s energy audit is a new requirement for large companies under the Energy Efficiency Act of 20 May 2016. This is a procedure to provide information on potential energy savings in an enterprise and to make calculations on proposed energy efficiency improvements. In case of Enea Wytwarzanie, audit covers all company’s locations. We’ve started the audit in 2017, and we shall present its results in the next report.