We successfully completed 2016 with good financial results, recording growth in almost all areas of business.
Compared to 2015:
- Electricity generation [GWh] increased by 3,2 % (including 6% increase from conventional sources and 36.5% decrease from renewable sources)
- Gross heat generation [TJ] increased by 1,6%
- Sales of distribution services to end users [GWh] increased by 4,5%
- Sales of electricity and gas to retail customers [GWh] increased by 5,6%
- PLN 11,256 million - net sales revenues
- PLN 2,328 million - EBITDA
- PLN 849 million - net profit
- 1.9 - net debt/EBITDA ratio
Detailed financial results for 2016 - go to the annual report.