Our suppliers
Good relations with a group of reliable suppliers is a prerequisite for effective performance on Enea Capital Group scale. Each of our companies works with hundreds of suppliers every day. Efficient coordination of these contacts is the task of Enea Centrum, which manages the purchases of our entire Group.
Proceedings concerning the supply of electrical goods and equipment for the needs of Group companies and external customers in the field of power engineering are within the scope of Enea Logistyka responsibilities. On the other hand, contacts and relations with suppliers after the process of their selection are led by individual companies.
Among our suppliers are: generators, traders and wholesalers.
Demand for the supply of raw materials, materials, products and services is differentiated in particular areas of our business. Here are the main ones:
Suppliers for the generation area
- The primary fuel used for electricity generation in the System Power Plant Segment is hard coal. Hence, suppliers to this Segment in 2016 were:
- LW Bogdanka - about 74% (the main supplier of our Group) Katowicki Holding Węglowy - about 12%
- Polska Grupa Górnicza (earlier: Kompania Węglowa) - about 7%
- Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa - about 7%
- The primary fuel used in the Heat Segment in Enea Wytwarzanie (Białystok Thermal Power Plant) is biomass, mainly in the form of forest chips, energy willow chips and sunflower husk pellets.The amount of delivered biomass amounted to 427,845.34 tons in 2016 and deliveries were made by 13 entities. Approximately 33% of the biomass was delivered to Heat Segment - Enea Wytwarzanie by rail.
- On the other hand, coal supplies for the Heat Segment in 2016 came from:
- Katowicki Holding Węglowy SA - about 71%
- Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA - about 25%
- Polska Grupa Górnicza (earlier: Kompania Węglowa SA) - about 4%
Enea Wytwarzanie also buys raw materials: hard coal, magnesite (for flue gas desulphurization), sodium sulfite, sodium phosphate, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, rock salt and Rokrysol WF2 (for the production of treated water).
- PKP Cargo - rail transport was the only transport service provider for the Wytwarzanie segment and the only means of transport used for the supply of hard coal to the Segment of System Power Plants in 2016. The carrier made 100% of deliveries. On the other hand, coal deliveries to the CHP Białystok were realized by: PKP Cargo SA (about 85%) and Freightliner PL Sp. z o.o. (about 15%).
Enea Wytwarzanie purchased such raw materials like coal, biomass, fuel oil and gas for PLN 1 billion 246 million in 2016.
Other goods and services ordered by Group companies:
- construction services (modernization or construction of administrative buildings)
- electric power construction services (modernization and construction of the network)
- services related to the design of power networks
- services related to the IT area
- support services, such as: cleaning, maintenance,
- electrotechnical materials used in the construction and operation of the distribution network
- delivery of products such as: transformers, cables and wires, equipment for line construction
- vehicles and fuel
- equipment
- OHS equipment
Principles of co-operation with suppliers
Quality and price are the key criteria for selecting a product or service provider for companies in our Group. Rates that we offer to our clients largely depend on them. Purchases in the Group are made on the basis of provisions of law in force in Poland, such as the Public Procurement Law. In addition, the purchasing policy of our companies is governed by a number of documents:
- Purchase Process QP-7.4-01.
- Purchase Instruction QI-7.4-04.
- Regulations of contracts not subject to the PZP Act provided by a particular company - each company has such regulation adjusted to the subject of business activity
- Specification and Terms of the Order - annexed to each specific tender
- When purchasing biomass, a Proper Due Diligence System is used additionally, which is approved by the Enea Wytwarzanie Management Board.
- A list of qualified contractors used in Enea Operator, which aims, among others, to create long-term relationships with contractors and to simplify cooperation
Detailed information about the rules and current tender procedures can be found on the websites of our companies under the “Zamówienia” ("Orders") tab and on the website.
Every relation with stakeholders as well as with suppliers in Enea should be transparent and ethically unambiguous. That is why our Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct provide answers as to how we work with suppliers.In addition, our suppliers are required to apply practices consistent with the Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System which is in force in Enea Wytwarzanie.