G4-56, G4-DMA
We’re guided at Enea by values such as honesty, competence, responsibility and security. They are included in the "Code of Values of the Enea Capital Group". It is a written, along with the employees, statement of respect for the law, professionalism and respect for one another. Together with our mission and vision, this document is the foundation for Enea Group.
Click and learn why values are so important to us.
„Enea Capital Group Code of Ethics” includes the Enea Group Employee Code of Conduct towards co-workers and business Partners. We value corporate responsibility, kindness and willingness to cooperate in the workplace. The Code describes these expected attitudes as well as obligations arising from business relations.
We pay much attention to creating comfort for the employees in an environment where rules of conduct are transparent and generally known. All Group employees received a Code in paper and we launched an eLearning training series on the Intranet. Every newly-trained person in Enea undergoes ethics training at work. Everyone may use the online version of our Code.
We also prepared a series of short animated movies, which consist of seven episodes, each with a different ethical principle included in the Code.
Reporting irregularities
Committee for Code of Ethics operates in the Enea Capital Group the role of which is, among others, promoting values in the organization and taking care of compliance with the Code. Each employee may ask the committee for advice, report any doubts or irregularities. There are two ways to contact:
- by e-mail: etyka@enea.pl
- or through a form available in the Intranet or on the website www.enea.pl
Compliance Policy
We are very serious about respecting law as well as any internal rules and procedures in the Enea Group. We wish the rules to be precise and cover every type of activity. All employees were familiarized with the regulations binding in the Group: "Compliance Policy" and "Rules of accepting and giving gifts". According to the Compliance Policy:
- We always act fairly, honestly and in a friendly way. It is a pillar of modern and dynamic operation for us
- We are committed to openness and transparency in all business relations
- The Enea Group's management is committed to playing a key role in creating an organizational culture
- Corruption is unacceptable, and employees are required to report any form of activity that is indicative of it. Such submissions are treated confidentially, carefully examined and don’t expose the applicant to any repression.
All Enea Group employees are required to complete training in this area. E-learning trainings for employees with access to computer were conducted at the turn of 2016/2017, e.g. 94% of employees positively completed the training in Enea SA. Compliance issues are addressed in adaptive training for new employees.
We started the training process in the third quarter of 2016 and ended it in the first quarter of 2017. These trainings will be repeated In 3-year cycles.
„New Energy” - is a joint initiative of employees and managers of Enea Centrum to develop recommendations concerning the following areas: attitude, leadership, system solutions and communication. Applying these recommendations, also within the scope of the company's desired behavior, will improve the cooperation between the company's organizational units and employees. The initiative started in 2016 and shall continue in 2017.