- The next edition of the Enea Spring Break festival was a success. Poznań hosted 135 musicians and 5 thousand fans during April weekend.
Liberty Square in Poznań during the Enea Spring Break turned into an original concert hall.

- "We Run-Collect-Help" charity action is directed to Enea Group employees who like to run. Each run is honoured with a given amount of points converted into money. The collected amount will be donated to a non-governmental organization to implement a project aimed at children's sport activation. The campaign will last until November 2017.
- Enea Foundation received the "Signum Caritatis" award for charity engagement in the Donor of the Year category. The statuette was granted during the 9th Gala of Mercy Bank - the annual charity event organized by the Caritas of the Poznań Archdiocese.
- We joined the Responsible Business Partnership Program. The official inauguration of the cooperation took place during the announcement of the "Responsible Business in Poland 2016. Good Practices" report. The report singled out six CSR projects and programs of the Enea Group.
- Our "Power of Help" grant Program was launched, which aims to promote pro-community ideas of local scope among our employees. Employees may submit social initiatives that require support from them. The Management Board of our Foundation shall select 3 winning projects and give them financial support. 3 editions of the project shall take place in 2017.
- Enea became a titular sponsor of the Enea PTPS Piła volleyball club.
- We support basketball - we also became a titular sponsor for Astoria Bydgoszcz, the first division basketball club.
- We inaugurated a support action for Poles living in Lithuania - "Good Energy beyond the Borders". The aim of the project is to encourage parents of children and young people of Polish descent to choose Polish schools and learn our language and history. Fifty children from Lithuania and three carers visited Poland at the invitation of the Enea Foundation. The partner of the action is Caritas of the Poznań Archdiocese.
During the ten-day stay, children had the opportunity to visit, among others, Old Market Square in Poznań

- New Customer Service Standards are in force in our Customer Service Centers from May 2017 .This is a fresh look at the customer service and handbook of everyday work in Customer Service Centers. The document supports consultants and answers questions related to their work.
The newly opened Client Service Centre in Zielona Góra.
- The "Find out who sells energy to you before you sign the agreement" campaign is to inform and educate customers how not to fall victim to dishonest energy sellers.
- As a part of another campaign on this subject, we have also prepared a website, where everyone may see how to avoid dishonest energy sellers.
Members of the Enea Management Board were among the speakers at the Congress in Katowice.
- "Our Choice - Safe Work" information campaign, which aims to promote the principles of safe work by raising employees and supervisors awareness on OSH principles. The campaign began in January 2017 in three companies in the distribution area of: Enea Operator, Enea Serwis and Enea Pomiary. The campaign will inform more than 5,000. employees. This action aims to raise awareness of employees’ health and safety in the work environment.
- We installed a free "Rescue" application on all Enea Operator employees business phones, which allows to call for help by dialing an emergency telephone number with the Rescue Service and sending SMS information about the exact location (up to 3 m) of the injured person.
- We organized vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis to employees working with biomass.
- We equipped our facilities with automatic external AED defibrillators. Currently already installed in 50 locations.
- Połaniec Power Station was included in the Enea Group in March. A modern 200 MW biomass block which generates "green" energy is an important part of the Enea Połaniec Power Plant company.
Połaniec Power Plant

- Enea Operator launched a new Transformer Station (GPZ) in Śmiłów, in the Piła region. This modern power station in northern Wielkopolska is designed to secure increasing power demand and improve energy security in this area.
- Our Group became a member of the "Polish Electric Bus - supply chain for electromobility" cluster. Co-operation of companies from the automotive and energy sectors will accelerate research, development and implementation of e-mobility.