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average index of systemic long and very long break in electricity supply, determined in minutes per customer. SAIDI is the reliability factor, calculated as the sum of products of the duration of power outages (in minutes) and the number of recipients vulnerable to the effects of this break during the year, divided by the total number of supported users connected to the network.
average index of systemic frequency of long and very long break in electricity supply – SAIFI is the reliability factor, calculated as the number of recipients vulnerable to the effects of all breaks during the year, divided by the total number of supported recipients.
intelligent electricity networks, where there is communication between all participants in the energy market, aimed at ensuring the provision of energy services, reduction of costs, efficiency increase and integration of distributed energy sources, including renewable energy.
intelligent measuring system - a comprehensive, integrated IT system which includes smart energy meters of energy recipients, telecommunications infrastructure, a central database and management system. Smart metering is a part of smart power network and should not be considered in isolation. Smart metering enable real-time, two-way communication of IT systems with electronic electricity meters.
- Social labour inspectors
Acting as social labour inspector is a social service, performed by employees to ensure by workplaces safe and healthy working conditions and to protect the rights of employees as defined in the employment law. Social labour inspectors interact with the National Labour Inspectorate and other supervising and controlling working conditions authorities. Basic scope of social labour inspector is defined in the Act of 24 June 1983 on the Social Labour Inspection (Journal of Laws as at 30 June 1983).
- Stakeholder
A person or a group of persons interested in any of the decisions or actions of the organization. A stakeholder is anyone who influences the organization and everyone whom it affects.
- Supply Chain
A sequence of activities or parties that provide products or services to the organization.
- Sustainable development
a development, according to which the needs of the present generation may be met without lessening chances of future generations, by taking into account the management which responds to the environment expectations as well as social, environmental and economic challenges, allowing to permanently increase the goodwill and rational management of resources.